Exploring what it takes to create meaningful momentum, find joy in our work, and shift success to a more purpose-driven definition.
The Age Of Innovation
Is ageism stifling your growth?
Free Yourself From The Title Trap
Has your career become a cage?
A What’s Next That’s Worthwhile
Pick a path with purpose
Be The Hero of Your Career
Be the hero of your career journey when you use these tools
Top 5 Lessons From A Top 5 Year
2023 was full of opportunities to excel. Did I?
Why I Don’t Set Resolutions (and what’s more effective instead)
How to best approach this goal-setting time of year
Effective Career Change Exercises
Ready to explore what’s next? These exercises are a great start.
The Value of Easy Work
Are you a hard worker? What if easy is the key to success?
The Best Way To Revitalize Your Career
Why is there a career slump and what can we do about it?
The 3 Best Books For Mid-Career Pivots
These three books will help you uncover why you’re frustrated in your current career path, what to do about it, and inspire you to take action.
The case for revitalizing ourselves instead of ‘reinventing’
Isn’t a career change the time to embrace who we are, not reinvent who we are?
Practice: The Fourth Cornerstone for Building Sustainable Success
Why intentionally practicing our craft is so important.
Purpose: The Third Cornerstone of Sustainable Success
Discover your purpose for sustainable success.
I’m A Failure
My mid-career journey from failure to success.
Strengths: Another Cornerstone For Building Sustainable Success
Defining your natural tendencies so you can create sustainable success
Values: A Cornerstone To Building Your Sustainable Success
Having a clear understanding of our values sets a strong foundation for success. Here’s how to clarify yours.
It’s Time To Shift Your Success
Possessions, power and prestige only last for a moment. Let’s explore what true success can look like.
How to find joy in our work and why it matters
Discover the benefits of finding joy in our work, and five key ways to do so.
Let's Connect!
LinkedIn Love
Let’s connect on LinkedIn! I post mid-career insights and inspirations just about every work day. And by engaging there, we’ll bring Meaningful Mid-Career Momentum to others as well!
Monthly Roundtable
Join me on the third Thursday of the month for small, intimate conversations about mid-career challenges and opportunities. No fee, no slides, no sales pitch; just helpful conversations. Sign up!