Sep 18, 2023 | Joy In Our Work, Purpose, Strengths, Values
OK, so we’ve covered three of the four cornerstones for building sustainable success: Values * Strengths * Purpose When we clarify our strengths and then use our values and purpose to help shape our decisions, shape the work we’re made to be doing, success just...
Sep 8, 2023 | Joy In Our Work, Purpose
Spanning several decades, I’ve had plenty of existential moments pondering “why am I even here?” or “what am I supposed to be doing with my ‘one wild and precious life’” (did Mary Oliver even know how many of us truly do ponder that question from her poem “The Summer...
Aug 23, 2023 | Career Pivot, Joy In Our Work, Purpose, Strengths
Strengths are the natural tendencies we have in how we think and act. They identify activities and modes of operating which bring us joy, growth and flow. And by getting clear on our strengths we can build sustainable success. “Strengths” came into the personal...
Aug 8, 2023 | Career Pivot, Joy In Our Work
Values are the core beliefs which color how we view the world, interact with others, and approach our daily life. They represent what’s truly important to us. They are so key, I’m calling them a cornerstone to building your sustainable success. And just like a great...
Jul 31, 2023 | Joy In Our Work, Purpose
Have you ever thought about where your ideas of success come from? I mean REALLY get down into the meat of the matter? When you think of someone who’s “successful,” what about them and their situation defines them in that way to you? I would imagine...
Jul 19, 2023 | Joy In Our Work, Strengths, Values
Joy in our work seems like an oxymoron. The very definition of work calls for extended effort in either a physical or mental capacity. And when people think of joy and happiness, it’s usually the opposite of extended effort: carefree and relaxed. Yet, experiencing joy...