Be The Hero of Your Career

You can be the conquering hero! Vanquish the tyranny of bureaucratic promotions and internal politics! Slay the double-headed dragon that spews forth doubt and indecision! Conquer career challenges once and for all! OK, OK. I won’t go completely medieval here, but...

Top 5 Lessons From A Top 5 Year

As we say good-bye to 2023, I’m just in awe of what’s transpired in the last 12 months. It was a year of growth for sure. In fact, I feel like I’m the best I’ve been in years, maybe decades! I feel more confident yet humbled, content yet driven to live in my purpose....

The Value of Easy Work

I love getting together with other heart-centered business owners. There are usually several moments in our chats which are uplifting and inspiring, but this one particular conversation really shifted my perspective on how I can bring my gifts to others and why easy...