Top Takeaway:

Confidence comes from within!



It’s easy to see why this book became a bestseller – it’s a great read that keeps the positive, fun and sassy attitude you see in the title all throughout the book itself.

Which really helps to make the subject matter more approachable than the typical self-help books. Some of them can get pretty deep and serious. But Sincero bring a sassy attitude and sense of humor as she introduces some amazing mindset and psychology practices.

My big takeaway from the book the first time I read it was just how important our energy or vibration is! Sincero introduced me to the concept that the entire universe really is just made of energy. And since like energy attracts like energy, the more time I spend in a higher or more positive energy, the more positive energy I’ll attract.

If this is getting a little too woo-woo for you, that’s OK. It was strange for me at first too. Then I saw and felt the difference it made when I put this into practice. The more time I spent doing activities which bring me joy, the better my day was. For a long time, I was less intentional about how I spent my down time, often just chilling in front of the TV. But when I get more specific about spending time doing joyful activities, the rest of the day, the rest of the week improves. And that’s just one very simple, straightforward example. I’ve yet to take this theory to the depths Sincero suggests, so I’m excited to see what results come from a broader practice!

Sincero also introduces the reader to other theories and practices such as:

  • meditation
  • intention-setting
  • Source Energy
  • visualization
  • purpose
  • intuition

And she does it all with such a great sense of humor, even bringing the self-help industry itself into the mix that these ideas which might seem strange to the casual reader become more plausible and do-able.:

Here’s one of my favorite passages:

…when you love yourself enough to stand in your truth no matter what the cost, everyone benefits. You start attracting the kinds of things, people, and opportunities that are in alignment with you truly are, which is way more fun than hanging out with a bunch of irritating drama suckers.

And another: 

The trick is to not only deny the criticism any power over you, but, even more challenging, to not get caught up in the praise. There’s nothing wrong with blushingly accepting a compliment, but if you find yourself always seeking outside approval that you’re good enough or cool enough or talented enough or worthy enough, you’re screwed. Because if you base your self-worth on what everyone else thinks of you, you hand all your power over to other people…

So if you want more of this awesomeness and are even just the slightest bit curious about the woo-woo, check out “You Are A Badass” and let me know your top takeaway!